Sunday, June 29, 2008


A swing and Bee-bop player.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

uuh,the antisemitic irony!

a bit distasteful,I know.

Shot two rolls with the bronica last night.They are drying in the shower as we speak.

It is a great camera to use on a tripod.
We'll see how well it works handheld(and in color) pretty soon.

Friday, June 27, 2008

first bronica pics

The scans are crap,I didnt close the tank prroperly and the pictures are boring - this is just the test roll.

agitated date(1 sec exposure) 50/3.5PS stopped down to mid apperture

After the hun marauders 150/4PS wide open handheld at 1/60 or 1/125
These two I shot in a cafe during lunch with a friend.

Twigs 50/3.5 PS wide open against the sun

Das Boot is one of the greatest movies EVER.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Passenger side

I got the bronica kit.Can't wait to shoot it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

you call this a dog?

A bunch of Arab teenagers sculpted things in the sand on Jaffa beach,when they saw us uproach with cameras and asked to take a picture of their masterpieces.
I asked this fella to pose with his pet.

"What a cool sheep" I said.
"It's a dog" he answered with insult.

I got the M4 back from Youxin Ye today. I will not load film until I pass the near exam.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Alice as the bartender

At the Monda-lab exhibition

"Could you please take a picture of my girl?"
"sure,take this flash and direct it here.When I say now release it with this button"

B exposure,side flash on auto mode,nikon fm2n,hp5@800 in hc100 dilution B 8.5 min at 22degree C.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'd like to be,under the sea


אנשי הצפרדע, אנשי הדממה
הרעש עושה לנו חור באוזניים
אם אנו שומעים בסביבה מהומה
אנחנו יורדים אל מתחת למים
ותיכף קופצים לנמל הקרוב
אפילו אם הוא במקרה במצרים.

Friday, June 20, 2008

A definate yay.

Went to a spa then ate a sea of seafood.
Life is good.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Camel Lights

Borrowed Ultron 35/1.7

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Hustler

Security Guard,Dizingoff Center.

Monday, June 16, 2008


the tests are closing in,the m4 is on it's way,Bronica is about to ship.

Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are possibly the most romantic movies I ever seen.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008

I pee on your post-modernism

The sign says " Post Modern Wedding Photography".It is shot in Florentine,Tel Aviv's version of the Village.

Nikon fm2n or fe2,50/1.4 or 35/2.8 lens.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Nurse


The nurse should not be the one who puts salt in your wounds
But it's always with trust that the poison is fed with a spoon
When you're helpless with no one to turn to alone in your room
You would swear that the one who would care for you never would leave
She promised and said, "you will always be safe here with me"
But promises open the door to be broken to me
The White Stripes

Shosha by Bashevis Singer is a good book ,but it doesn't bring joy.
Babel turned out to be much better then I expected.

My leica m4 is all nice and working now.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Friday, June 06, 2008

Thursday, June 05, 2008

tiny little feet appreciation

"Из-за того же упрямства он не стал смотреть на других, а опустил свои длинные ресницы и уставился в пол. А там было много ног. Много больших, неуклюжих ног. Хоботку ни одна нога не понравилась. Он взглянул на свои ноги. Они были маленькие и хорошенькие. Хоботок тихо порадовался: как хорошо, что именно ему достались такие маленькие ножки! Что бы он стал делать с такими огромными ножищами, как у других. Он бы вообще побоялся из дому выходить. Он бы со стыда спрятался под кровать и не вылезал бы оттуда."

"Хоботок по прозвищу Слоняйка"
Ико Маран

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

candlelight vigil

Jerusalem-Tel Aviv.
I know they are cliche's but they are from the same roll of film.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Waiting for the great white

Bat Yam.

Ashdod is an extremely unpleasant city

Monday, June 02, 2008


I am in the process of reorganizing my equipment.
I sold:
Mamiya 645J kit
nikon fe
leica m3+summaron

I got:
Jupiter 9(got it for a song - If I dont find it usefull - will sell and get a nikkor 85/2 for SLR).
leica m4+summicron(being CLA'd by Youxin)
bronica sqai,50 and 150(on the way from KEH)

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Young Nature Lover

finished reading "The Kite Runner" which is a load of populistic crap and " As a Few Days"
(also called The Four Meals and The Loves of Judith) by Shalev which is much better.
Meir Shalev repeats himself.