Thursday, May 10, 2007

I dream in Pano

Yesterday I took a walk with Lazar(from RFF\D-Spot) and I shot two rolls of film with
his horizont(205?).

This is a pro quality tool designed especially to take pictures of my fingers.

It is an interesting tool for street photograpy.
It is very handholdable,it's distorsion is usefull and it is very handholdable.

The bad side is - the build quality is low,assembly is sloppy and it is overpriced.
I would like to try finding a metal seventies one.

Due to our student strike(they protest the goverment's blatant disregard of the
conclusion reached by a GOVERMENT apointed commity to reform higher education and raise
tuition).They protest all over the country including our neck of the woods(which is an important
university town).Shot a couple of heated arguments with the yashicamat.

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