Thursday, February 22, 2007

New RF - Canon 7

Today I learned the Bessa R2 was sold to someone faster so I searched RFF and found a sweet deal on a canon 7. Will close shipping stuff tomorrow and will get it in a week or two.
Will use something russian on it until I get the cash(for a canon 50/1.8 or 35/2.8). Woohoo !!!

Here's the portrait of Leutenant Dov(Millitary Air Traffic Controller) who I served with(this one is from reserve duty).
Zorki 4 with summitar - wide open and hand held at 1/25 or so(guessed exposure).
Film is either Tmax 100 or 400(the grain is due to wrong exposure - I kinda like it).


taffer said...

Congrats ! The 7 is a very capable and often underrated camera.

Michael Ivnitsky said...

Now only to get lenses