I never photograph people who collect money in the street but this person is obviously ok(note the sneakers and the hipster hat).Very Tel Aviv. He looks like he makes twice what an average working stiff does in the south,for example.
what a joy it is to wake up at 04:40,put a Bowie record on the turntable,take a blazing shower,have a rich esspresso and reread Vonnegut on your way to work
Scanned from true BW wet prints from Panda labs(tushiya 19,Tel Aviv). Tonning aded in PS. A clear example why I am happy I am using this lab for my MF needs(crystal clear negs, no "moons" from my old reels).
I finished reading "Yasmin" by Eli Amir and enjoyed it quite a lot. "How I Became stupid" by Martin Page started out well became expected 60% in.